How to become a member of the Business Club of London
The Club has over the years developed an application system to mainly protect the integrity of it's members. Because at times, there is somewhat confidential information exchanged within the club there is an effort to have a non-competitive criteria adhered to. For this reason, all members have a say in the application process.
Each application for membership into the Business Club is posted to our weekly bulletin to the members. If any member feels that the application is an infringement on their classification or if it is brought to the attention of the membership chairman that there may be some other reason why the application is denied it is at the discretion of the Club's Board of Directors to refuse the application without explanation.
If you would like to take advantage of this unique business opportunity just fill out the application provided and mail it along with your cheque to:
The Business Club of London
PO Box 3042
London Ontario N6A 4H9
For additional information call the Membership Chair,
Shawne Neal -